Why I hate June...

June has been a horribly stressful and trying month. If I was rude or despondent, I do apologize. Proving that bad things do come in threes, my grandfather died, followed a week later by my uncle, followed two weeks later by a friends suicide.

During that time, I was negotiating a relocation settlement with my company, and trying to sell my house. I sold the house Monday for a loss, and moved all of my junk up to Ohio where I'll be working. I'm glad to have it all behind me.

For July, I have many things to look forward to. Currently I don't have a mortgage or utilities payments due. My relocation settlement should be approved and disbursed in the coming month, and I no longer have to fly back and forth to Atlanta. This will hopefully give me some time to visit friends and family more often.

Well, June is almost over, and all I can say is good riddance.

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