Ravenwood - 08/02/02 07:05 AM
Fox News reports that parents suing teachers for failing their children is becoming more and more prevalent.
I wonder if these parents are thinking about the message they are sending their children. When these children grow up and enter the real world, they are in for a rude awakening. One Ohio mother filed suit claiming that the school's grading process penalized her child for frequent tardiness and absences. She claimed that since her daughter had excuses for being late and absent, she shouldn't be penalized. Try telling that to your boss when you are late for work the third time this week. I hope this girl is pretty, or marries into money, because her work ethic isn't going to carry her too far in the business world. Ignorance was the excuse for parents and students in Kansas, where school administrators overruled a teacher and gave kids a second chance because they didn't know what plagiarism meant. Try pleading ignorance to the IRS or to the police and see if you get a pass.
What a great message to teach kids. When things don't go your way, whine and complain. If that doesn't work, haul them into court.
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