Ravenwood - 08/13/02 01:40 PM
Iran, a charter member of the Axis of Evil, called US foreign policy in response to 9/11 'angry', according to this Fox News report. Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, who has been criticized by government officials of the "Great Satan" for allowing safe passage for Al-Qaeda officials, recently handed 16 suspected al-Qaeda fighters over to Saudi Arabia, in hopes of deflecting some of the criticism that he deems is unwarranted. "This is rather like reading a headline during World War II that says "Italy Is Said to Give Up Nazis" and then finding out it sent them to Germany," quips Op-editors at the Wall Street Journal.
Secretary of State Colin Powell pointed out that Iran was simply responding to having been labeled a member of the Axis of Evil. He added that we should expect similar name calling by Cuba, Libya, and Syria, all of whom were recently added to the Axis. In a direct response to the Iranian President's remarks, Powell said that "Khatami's mother wears combat boots."
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