Julia Roberts serves up a dud

While I'm not normally one to root for failure, I find it very pleasing to see that Julia Roberts, who still won't step on an airplane after 9/11, has served up a dud in Full Frontal. I can only hope that people will finally start to see just how overrated and self-absorbed an actress she is.

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Category:  Celebrities Unscripted
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I just saw her on Oprah, and the more I see of her the more I cannot stand her presence. I'm sorry, but I don't see what the good actress stuff is all about, she looks the same in all her movies, acts the same, she does not "take on the character" , I guess I'm just bored to death with her same ol same ol. Yes she needs to get over herself, step aside and let some new talent on the screen. I have NEVER paid to see one of her flicks, I dont' want to waste my money on her so called "talent".
You cannot compare her to anything, she's just Julia.

Posted by: Spinny at November 19, 2003 12:17 PM

I'm SO glad other people see this, too. I thought I was the only one that noticed that she acts the EXACT same in all of her movies.

Take, for example, Tom Hanks. He takes on CHARACTERS in his roles, each with different CHARACTERISTICS!!! In Forrest Gump, he was semi-retarted. In Big, he had to act like a boy trapped in a mans body. But, Julia Roberts..... She acts like Julia Roberts! She does the same lip perse in every movie. The same facial expressions, mannerisms, etc. in EVERY fricking movie!!!! I don't get it, either. Why on Earth do people find her so awesome. In my very humble opinion, I don't find her that great of an actress, either. She doesn't play different characters. She just says she is a different character, in a different movie. But it's just Julia.


Posted by: RogerDodger at January 18, 2004 7:56 PM

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