McKinney Campaign

There is a lot of buzz over the competition that Cynthia McKinney faces in Georgia's Democratic Congressional Primary. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that McKinney will probably win the election. As a former Atlanta resident, I am somewhat familiar with politics in Georgia. First of all, the Georgia Democratic party completely redrew McKinney's district after the 2000 census. This was done to protect McKinney and remove most Republican neighborhoods her district. Second, people in McKinney's district just don't care. There is a hope that some Republican's will crossover to the Democratic Primary, and vote her out, but I don't expect this to happen. In fact, this strategy may backfire by bringing out McKinney supporters in record numbers. Also, Republican voters are never greeted very warmly at the polls in McKinney's district. In 2000, they were met at the polls illegally with bull horns blaring in their face.

UPDATE: Neal Boortz points out this automated phone message sent to Republican voters in McKinney's district:

"This is an official notice for republican voters. It is a violation of State and Federal law to attempt to vote in a Democratic primary without proper documentation. State and Federal enforcement officials will be monitoring the polling places closely tomorrow for violations of the law. Do not risk violating the law by trying to vote in a Democratic primary without proper documentation."
This basically just means that people need to bring their ID to the polls, but it is an obvious attempt by McKinney to try to mislead and scare crossover voters away.

Also note that Andrew Young does not support McKinney this year. That didn't stop her from pulling an ad from his endorsement of her 2000 campaign and airing it.

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