Reno: Recount or siege?

Look for Janet Reno to ask for a recount in the Florida Gubernatorial Democratic Primary. Fox News reports that election officials just don't understand how they could have had so many problems, given the recent investment in new polling equipment.

If the voting equipment has changed, and the candidates have changed, what is left? While some democrats resurrect the 'vast right wing conspiracy' theory, it is painfully obvious to most of us that some people in Florida just cannot seem to figure out how to vote. Combine voter stupidity with poll workers who are unable to operate the new voting machines, and what do you have? Recounts, lawsuits, calls for a re-vote. It's deja vu all over again.

Update: The final vote tally has Reno losing by 0.6%, which is not close enough to trigger an automatic recount. Reno is still considering her options, which may include a legal challenge, or surrounding McBride's campaign headquarters with tanks and firebombing it.

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