New addition to the Blogroll

I have added Ruston Eastman's site to my blogroll. I found myself visiting his site frequently for my daily dose of liberal wackiness. He's made some improvements to his site, including enlarging the font, and with a little help, he managed to get rid of the errant blogger tag errors.

Now if he could only do something about blaze orange background.. (I know.. its more of a burnt umber, but I didn't want to sound gay.)

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Why are my comments screwed up again? Your's seem to be working fine. Don't know if I screwed my template again, or if Haloscan isn't working... Thanks for the link... I'm glad I now have a wider audience for my liberal wackiness...

Posted by: Ruston Eastman at September 15, 2002 5:00 AM

I don't use Haloscan anymore. These are built into Movable Type.

Posted by: Ravenwood at September 15, 2002 1:04 PM

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