What has happened to Dawn Olsen?

Dawn Olsen, who recently claimed she was getting out of politics and would stop taking herself seriously, seems to have gone off the deep end lately. She seems to be devoting most of her weblog to her obsessive compulsive contempt of Ann Coulter, and just about anyone conservative.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people carving out their niche in cyberspace, and using it how they see fit. Actually, I am worried more for Dawn, than anything else. Come back to reality Dawn, we love you and miss you.

I also don't have a problem with Dawn spreading her liberal views. Actually, now I understand why she hates guns so much. She seems to have trouble separating herself from a situation emotionally, and I fear if she ever actually met Ann Coulter, she'd snap and go postal. I just find the whole thing very amusing.

Dawn was originally set off on the semantics of the word Muslim. She seemed furious over Coulter's decription of some knuckleheaded people as "Muslim" rather than people "who practice the Muslim religion." Dawn seemed to take it rather personally, and immediately felt that Coulter was damning all Muslim people. Dawn went on to refer to Ms. Coulter as a racist member of the KKK, a bigot, and someone who runs over kittens.

Her rants continued for page after page, about how Coulter would want to deport all foreigners, bathe in the blood of the newborn, and kill all foreigners. Olsen went on to claim that Coulter makes "black people [her] slaves, oops I mean hired help, oops I mean slaves." I don't think that Dawn even realizing that she was insulting every hard working black person that works as hired help. She seems to imply that maids, janitors, groundskeepers, or people in similar professions are inferior.

However, one of the biggest hypocrisies that seems lost on Dawn Olsen is the hatred for people who spread hatred. In a typical pot calling the kettle black fashion, Dawn and her loyal readers complained time and time again about how Ann Coulter was such a large spreader of hatred, and responsible for all that was wrong in the world, and therefore she deserved to die.

One reader even wished she had gone down with conservative author Barbara Olsen, whose plane hit the Pentagon last September. Now I may harp on Tom Daschle every now and then, and express my displeasure with Bill Clinton or Algore, but I never wished death on anybody. All of their unbridled hatred and disdain they have bottled up inside them, only makes me feel sorry for them. It also makes me glad I own a gun, lest they lose their foothold on reality, and try to harm my conservative butt.

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