Reader Mail

Da Goddess was a day late and a dollar short with her reply to my Oktoberfest Offer. While I had the funds to go to Oktoberfest again this year, I couldn't find anyone who was free to go with me. Sigh. (Note, although she didn't send the requisite nudie picture, I expect she'll send it along shortly.)

I realize, entirely, that this is late.....but it was too much fun to pass up.

1 - Must be willing to fly steerage or luggage class. You may be asked to ride in a suitcase, packing crate, animal holding pen, or asked to hold your breath for up to 9 hours. I went on vacation with think I haven't done this stuff already?

2 - Must be willing to share a bed, and sleep in the wet spot. With me, there is NO dry spot.

3 - Meals will be served at least once per day, and may have little sustenance or nutritional value. Sounds like home. Can I have some more beer? Did I tell you beer makes me ........uh......amorous?

4 - Drinks will be very alcoholic and very plentiful. Oh......there it is. Thanks

5 - Sexual favors typically last from 2 to 27 minutes, and may involve animals, midgets, or leather bindings. Did you miss Acidman's posting on what I'm willing to do? You forgot the camera crew and the black chick in the tu-tu. Yeah.....I'll do girls. As long as they do me back.

35, huh? Too bad I'm too old. I missed this by.....5 months.

Some rules were made to be broken, babe.

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See? This is what happens when I HESITATE for even a second. Had I followed the links like a good girl......I could have been a very bad girl later, eh?

Posted by: Da Goddess at October 9, 2002 6:08 PM

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