NYC Cigarette sales plummet

Cigarette sales in NYC dropped 64 percent in one month. So much for Bloomberg's plan to balance the budget with cigarette money.

The real losers are the independent retailers who count on cigarette sales as a large source of their revenue.

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From the story:

Mayor Bloomberg has said repeatedly that he'd be happy if the city didn't make a cent from the cigarette tax because his goal is to stop young people from smoking.

Looks like Bloomberg is going to get half of his wish....

Posted by: Steve at October 16, 2002 6:22 PM

It's not that people aren't smoking. They're just going to Long Island or New Jersey to get their cigarettes at about half the price.

Posted by: michele at October 16, 2002 9:37 PM

Right, Michele. The half that I was referring to was the "didn't make a cent from the cigarette tax" half. People will still smoke, but NYC won't profit from it.

Posted by: Steve at October 17, 2002 10:27 AM

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