Maryland Governor Bans Shooting

Well, this should stop the sniper. I mean, he wouldn't dare violate the Governor's shooting ban, would he?

Maryland Governor Parris Glendening, who earlier this month resorted to begging the sniper for mercy, has banned outdoor shooting in four Maryland counties for 30 days. I'm not sure why Parris thinks he has this authority, but he's gonna try to do it.

Several deer hunts will have to be cancelled and there is no mention as to whether or not hunters will be allowed to get refunds on their hunting licenses. (Our staff writers are skeptical)

I'm not advocating anyone breaking the law, but I'd like to see one of these hunting organizations thumb their nose (or something else) at the tyrannical Governor and go ahead with the hunts anyway.

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"Oh, my. Killing those people was bad enough, but unauthorized gunfire - why, that's breaking the law!"

Posted by: CGHill at October 16, 2002 5:05 PM

Maybe he'll also resort to closing gas stations, home improvement centers (oh, wait....that was VA, wasn't it?), and craft stores. We know how dangerous those places are even without a sniper....

Posted by: Da Goddess at October 16, 2002 8:31 PM

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