What Would Woody Do?

Woody Harrelson tells us what he'd do if he were President:

I'd honour Kyoto. Join the world court. I'd stop subsidising earth rapers like Monsanto, Dupont and Exxon. I'd shut down the nuclear power plants. So I already have $200bn saved from corporate welfare. I'd save another $100bn by stopping the war on non-corporate drugs. And I'd cut the defence budget in half so they'd have to get by on a measly $200bn a year. I've already saved half a billion bucks by saying no to polluters and warmongers.

Then I'd give $300bn back to the taxpayers. I'd take the rest and pay the people teaching our children what they deserve. I'd put $100bn into alternative fuels and renewable energy. I'd revive the Chemurgy movement, which made the farmer the root of the economy, and make paper and fuel from wheat straw, rice straw and hemp. Not only would I attend, I'd sponsor the next Earth Summit. And, of course, I'd give myself a fat raise.

Sounds like a Utopia, doesn't it? And of course, he takes a shot at the Bill of Rights.
When TV satirist Bill Maher made some dissenting remarks about the bombing of Afghanistan, Disney pulled the plug on him. In a country that lauds its freedom of speech, a word of dissent can cost you your job.
Some people fail to understand that freedom of speech doesn't mean that you shouldn't be held accountable for what you say?

Category:  Celebrities Unscripted
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Dam sounds brave! You grow girl.

Posted by: E-Nuf at October 17, 2002 5:45 PM

I wonder where Harrelson got the idea that the US government gives 200 billion dollars a year to Monsanto, Exxon, and Dupont... No wait, it's probably the same place he heard that the CIA installed Saddam Hussein and the Taliban - in the deep recesses of his own deluded, paranoid mind.

With those symptoms, methinks he's been smoking a little too much weed.

Posted by: Owen Courrèges at October 17, 2002 11:21 PM

The Chemurgy movement??? is he kidding?? sounds like a page out of "The communist manifesto for dummies". Come on woody get your head out of your elitist ass...

Posted by: malcolm j holley at November 11, 2002 2:33 PM

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