Virginians to Arms

In other Second Amendment news, Virginians are pissing in Sarah Brady's cheerios by applying for concealed carry permits in record numbers. The NY Post is reporting that some northern Virginia counties have had a 500% increase in CCW permit applications in recent weeks.

"We're seeing a lot of women, which is a change from traditional permit applicants," says Barbara Brinklow, deputy clerk of the Spotsylvania circuit court. "They say their husbands sent them in."

Bully for the feminists. Womyn are perfectly capable of defending themselves, and men shouldn't have to escort them to the mall or the beauty parlor. (I'm gonna get hate mail for that one)

As if that isn't enough to tick off the left, some gun shop owners have reported a 300% increase in the sale of firearms. I can hear the whining now. "People will be gunned down in the streets!" Oh wait, that is already happening.

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