'Jackass' called 'worst movie ever made'

Variety editor Peter Bart apparently is no fan of the movie 'Jackass', or Johnny Knoxville. But worst movie ever?

Now, lists of 'Best this' and 'Worst that' are notoriously controversial. Some movies just don't compare evenly, and you inevitably leave something out, or rank them in the wrong order.

Disclaimers aside, here is my list for the "Top Worst Movies I've Ever Seen." Since sequels are never as good as the original, they have been left off the list. Besides, anyone can simply list Police Academy 2 through 10. These are all original stinkers (or possibly re-makes), and are presented in no particular order.

  • Baby Geniuses - How could you go wrong with wise-cracking super human babies. This is how. (update: not to be out done, they are making a sequel)

  • The French Connection - Other than a decent car chase, this movie stinks up the screen. The fact that it beat out A Clockwork Orange and Fiddler on the Roof for 1972 Best Picture nods, is proof that even Oscar voters smoke crack.

  • Dances with Wolves - Kevin Costner's 1990 pet project should have been called, "Masturbates with Wolves." How else should you describe three hours of Costner frolicking in the grassy plains with an under fed malamute. What is even harder to believe is that the original cut was over four hours.

  • Eyes Wide Shut - Only in Hollywood can you have an excellent director like Stanley Kubrick direct Tom Cruise's home made porn movies at a cost of $65 Million. How could the man that made Spartacus, Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Full Metal Jacket bring us this pile of crap? I only wish I had watched it at home rather than in the theater, so I could have fast-forwarded through to the Nicole Kidman nudie parts.

  • Face/Off - I could probably make an entire list out of John Travolta and Nicolas Cage movies. Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but cutting off a persons face and sewing it back on in a half hour with no visible scars is over the top. They should have literally cut each others heads off at the beginning of the movie and saved us all from shit like Battlefield Earth, Swordfish, and 8MM

  • Moulin Rouge! - Even! a! Nicole! Kidman! bukake! scene! couldn't! have! saved! this! musical! stinker!

  • Pearl Harbor and Titanic - There is no worse feeling than going to see a war movie or a good ship wreck and ending up watching a three hour love story. I'll take Tora! Tora! Tora! and the Poseidon Adventure over these two any day.

  • Waterworld - Yet another Costner flop. It should have been titled "How to ruin your acting career with $250 Million." I just don't understand how a movie on a boat in the middle of the ocean can cost so much.

  • Iron Eagle - Pretty much anything with Jason Gedrick sucks, never mind a film where he steals an Air Force F-16 and single-handedly fights a middle eastern war. Perhaps if our Air Force pilots had a good sound track, they'd have gone in and gotten Saddam Hussein by now.

  • Robin Hood - I'm trying very hard to not dominate the list with Kevin Costner flops, but this one had to be included as well. A great supporting cast and decent story weren't enough to overcome Costner's bad acting and unbelievable English accent. If you pay attention, you can see the point in the movie where Kevin finally gives up and stops trying to sound British.

  • The Chase - Like other viewers, I got half way through this made for USA Network movie before I realized Charlie Sheen hadn't actually pulled an OJ. This movie reminds me of when the Simpsons visited a Hollywood lot. Marge Simpson: "Look! There's Robert Downey Jr. in a shoot-out with the police." Bart: "That's funny, I don't see any cameras."

  • In the Army Now - This is one of many reasons Pauly Shore won the Razzie for "Worst new star of the decade." Other reasons include Encino Man and Son in Law. The thought of Pauly making it through basic training without being shot by his own troops makes this completely unbelievable.

  • Space Cowboys - Thanks to John Glenn for inspiring a story about a bunch of washed-up has-beens going into space to save the planet from our old cold war nemesis.

  • Big Jim McLain - Proof that even the Duke isn't immune to stinkers. This John Wayne 'classic' was nothing but red scare propaganda at it's worst. If the movie didn't come of with such a serious tone, it could have been a great comedy, illustrating just how ludicrous the 'House Un-American Activities Committee' really was.

  • Point Break - Surfing almost never makes for good movies. Combine it with Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze, and a bank robbery, and you end up with a 120 minute train wreck. Arguably, the only good thing to come out of Swayze was Red Dawn, and the Matrix was good in spite of Reeves, not because of him.

  • Ghost - Speaking of Patrick Swayze, if I see this horrible love fest one more time, I'm gonna puke. Call me old fashioned, but saying "ditto" is not the least bit romantic, and the Whoopie Goldberg/Demi Moore make-out scene gave me nightmares for 6 months.

  • Above the Law - The first of many Steven Seagal wanna-be action flicks. How this middle-aged, flabby, Jean Claude imitator passed for a movie star, we may never know.
I'm sure there are quite a few I left off the list, but this is a good start. Also, I don't want to hear from wussys that loved Titanic, Pearl Harbor, and Moulin Rouge. Anyone can be cliche and say they liked those piles of crap. Instead be a real man and stand up in defense of Kevin Costner, or admit you are actually a closet Pauly Shore freak.

UPDATE: I added in a few flicks I obviously missed. How Keanu Reeves and Steven Seagal escaped me, I'll never know. It looks like Michele has the makings of a good list going herself, so I won't touch her suggestions. Besides, I refused to watch Little Nicky, and I have hardly heard of the others.

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Kazaam, Jeepers Creepers, That movie with the flying dragons that came out last year, 300 Miles to Graceland, Wicker Man, Little Nicky....I could go on. And on. And on.

Posted by: michele at November 4, 2002 12:21 PM

You forget Johnny Neumonic starring Keanu Reeves. Now that was an awful film...

Posted by: Owen Courrèges at November 4, 2002 1:27 PM

That movie gets a pass because Henry Rollins is in it.

Posted by: michele at November 4, 2002 1:44 PM

Oh, don't get me started on lists of bad movies :) Here are a few of my love-to-hate selections:

"Trapped in Paradise" -- I should have known better than to rent a movie with Dana Carvey and Jon Lovitz in it.

"Spy Kids 2" -- Much as I liked the original, this was beyond stupid. I did feel some empathy with Antonia Banderas, who looked like he had just realized halfway through a flight that he had gotten onto the wrong plane. His eyes seemed to say "Get me out of here!!!" but he knew that he was stuck...much like I was in this stinker of a movie.

"Terms of Endearment" -- How this shlocky, overly emotional piece of cinema crap beat out "The Right Stuff" for Best Picture is beyond me. Ditto for "Kramer vs. Kramer" beating "All That Jazz".

"The Mexican" -- Julia Robert spouting feel-good psychobabble, Brad Pitt mugging his way through Mexico. A couple with no chemistry and no reason to be together except that the studios demanded it. The best scenes in the movie had Julia in the bathroom peeing...and it went downhill from there.

"Mr. Deeds" -- Some people think Adam Sandler is some kind of comic genius. I'm guessing these same people think "Star Trek" is filmed on location.

And then there's the list of bad movies that were never intended to be any good...

Yor, the Hunter of the Future; Sorceress; The Star Chamber....ack, my brain is telling me it can't dwell on such awful stuff any longer....

Posted by: Steve at November 4, 2002 1:54 PM

I am saddened and surprised that "Battlefield Earth" is not included in your list. Truly the worst movie ever made.

Posted by: Dan Jacques at November 4, 2002 3:15 PM

It got an honorable mention under Face/Off.

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 4, 2002 3:29 PM

Having never seen Titanic or Pearl Harbor, I will support those choices only on my keen sense of self worth that prevented me from seeing them in the first place. Tripe.

You forgot some major movies, Steve! "To Live and Die in L.A.", "Summer Lovers" (which I recently quoted - but still think the movie sucked), "Waterworld"....damn...I can't use all your bandwidth to continue.

Let's just say that I've seen more bad movies than you can shake a stick at. I worked in a damn video store for three years. I know bad movies!

Posted by: Da Goddess at November 4, 2002 6:22 PM

Right, sorry for not being as observent as I should have been, but I am still suprised... I mean if there is onbe movie that I think is by far the worst ever, it would be Battlefield Earth. I would rather be stabbed in the eye with a soldering iron, or dragged around Boston by my nuts than sit through another showing of that god awful movie.

But hey, thats... just like, my opinion, man...

Posted by: dan jacques at November 4, 2002 7:00 PM

Thats ok. Da Goddess missed the fact that Waterworld is on my list.

As for missing the others, I probably just haven't seen them. I am actually very quick to judge a movie by the jacket, and won't watch crap that I immediately recognize as crap. (Austin Powers for instance)

I don't think its fair to put movies on my list that I haven't actually witnessed as being crap.

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 4, 2002 11:43 PM

Sorry, I was blinded with my lust for you. Forgiven?

Posted by: Da Goddess at November 5, 2002 12:24 AM

hey steve....Adam sandler is The best comidian thats still around. you may not know it but your about the only one! your probably one of those guys that just watches those drama shows like Melrose place

Posted by: Damn the French at April 4, 2004 7:07 PM

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