Berzerkely mulls legislating PC coffee

Berkeley, CA, upset at Seattle horning in on their bizarre legislation, is mulling passing a PC coffee law of their own. Proponents of the PC coffee bill want to make it a crime punishable by up to 6 months in jail for selling non-PC coffee. Hell, even members of the liberal Berkeley City Council think it is a waste of police resources to enforce inane coffee laws.

However, that doesn't stop Tim Kingston, of the San Francisco-based human rights organization, Global Exchange. He argues that we should legislate for legislation's sake. "We legislate things in this country. We legislate car safety. We legislate seat belts. All this does is it legislates the people who grow the coffee actually get something resembling a living wage."

I chuckle every time I hear this 'living wage' bullshit. Are liberals really that stupid, or are they just pretending? How come they always view jobs as compulsory? Nobody is forcing people to work for pennies a day. For the sake of the argument, lets say the average daily wage picking coffee in Colombia is $10. If a US company comes in and pays them $20 a day to pick coffee beans, how is it that they are worse off? 'Human Rights' organizations like Global Exchange would take away their ability to make $20 a day from US companies and then have the audacity to pass it off as though they are doing them a favor. (For more on the living wage bullshit, check out Williams' column last week.)

On a related liberal bullshit note, I saw a sign in a local store window this weekend that said they were closed on Sundays so that "employees would have time for family and worship." Now, if you want to close your store on Sunday, that is your business. But spare me the liberal bullshit mantra of doing it "for the employees." Nobody is forced to work on Sunday. They work because you provide them the opportunity to do so. The idea that people are chained to their jobs against their will really gets under my skin. As a matter of fact, they are actually depriving people of work by NOT opening on Sunday. What about those people that work a regular 1st-shift full-time job and want to earn some extra dough on the weekend?

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What a bunch of pucker-butted fucktards. PC coffee? Just sell something that doesn't cost $27.50 per sip. It's not like the employees reap any of the profits from the overpriced crap they sell.

And, closed on Sunday? Puhleeeeze! That's not so the workers can worship.....unless they're worshipping the porcelain god....

Posted by: Da Goddess at November 4, 2002 6:15 PM

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