ABC uses the F-word in promo

While I wasn't offended, I find it interesting that ABC is promoting their Osbornes 20/20 special by saying "Get ready for one outrageous f<beep>ing special.. Barbara Walters takes on the Osbornes"

The announcer clearly used a beeped F-word, and during the 8-9 PM primetime hour. I think they'll probably get letters over that one.

Perhaps they are taking the Bob Uecker attitude:

Harry Doyle: One hit? That's all one goddamn hit?
Assistant: You can't say goddamn on the air.
Harry Doyle: Ahh, don't worry, nobody is listening anyway.

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What's the difference between the Titanic and ABC?

There was entertainment on the Titanic

Posted by: Steve at November 5, 2002 10:47 PM

Let's hear the word FUCK on television. Let's hear the word SHIT there as well. Let's get over ourselves and let people talk unrestrained. Hell, if they can show bloodied dead fetuses in political ads during political campaigns as they did in Colorado several years back, I think we're ready to hear some serious profanity during prime time programming.

Posted by: Da Goddess at November 6, 2002 3:00 AM

They've been saying "ass" for years on prime time, and I don't think it's made the programming any better. They can say "fuck" and "shit" for all I care, I'll just leave the television off. That's why I don't watch "Sex and the City": it's a stupid show peppered by language and nudity, neither of which rescues it from stupidity. I already don't let my kids watch tv past 8 pm because of the content on most shows.

Yeah, people in real life use those words. I don't like to hear it in real life, either. The words lose their shock value after a while, and people who talk that way look uneducated and low-class. This isn't to say I don't use those words; I used to quite a bit, and still do every now and then. But I like to think I can express myself better now.

But, heck, it's a free country and we do have freedom of speech. Like I said, I'd just tune out. My tv's better used watching cool movies in surround-sound, anyway :)

Posted by: Steve at November 6, 2002 9:26 AM

I agree. I swear sometimes, but not simply for the sake of swearing. Usually it is when the words perfectly fit the situation.

I hate to keep using movie references, but I thought "From the Hip" had a classic moment when Judd Nelson argued in court the proper use of the word "Asshole".

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 6, 2002 10:56 AM

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