CNN vs. Fox

As a former Georgia resident and a CNN critic, I noticed that CNN waited until Saxby Chambliss started his victory speech to make the call in his Senate race. Fox News made the call about an hour and a half earlier than CNN.

Oddly, CNN called the Arkansas race for the Democrats with only 44% of the precincts reporting and a 54/46 split. Chambliss had a 53/46 split with 73% reporting, and CNN still wouldn't go out on a limb for Chambliss.

After cutting Chambliss' victory speech short, CNN also started a Cleland gush-fest, displaying surprise that a triple amputee Vietnam vet would be voted out of office.

I liked James Carville's reaction on CNN's Crossfire. He put a trash can on his head, and it took some coaxing for him to come out from under there.

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You know, since the last presidential election, EVERYONE's afraid to declare winners. Kinda sucks if you ask me.

Of course, sticking one's head in a trashcan is appropriate for some.....why, exactly, did ANYONE coax the man out?

Posted by: Da Goddess at November 6, 2002 2:56 AM

I dunno, Goddess. I'm pretty sure Mary Matalin liked him better with the new chapeau :)

Posted by: Steve at November 7, 2002 5:44 PM

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