Gun Licensing leads to Confiscation, again

For all of you pro-gun licensing people out there, this is why Americans are so opposed to giving in to licensing schemes.

Bangladesh Orders Surrender of Firearms in Anti-Crime Crackdown Operation
In Bangladesh, citizens have been ordered to surrender licensed firearms, as part of a massive anti-crime operation launched by the army, three weeks ago. The government has also ordered more troops onto the streets, to bolster its countrywide crackdown on crime.

Hundreds of Bangladeshis began surrendering firearms and ammunition after authorities told them to hand them in by mid-November or face legal action. The government says the latest move is part of efforts to ensure that the army-led operation to stamp out violent crime in the country is successful.

For those of you that say confiscation will never happen, it already has. England, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have all used gun registries to enforce a confiscatory ban. In the US, California and New York City have done the same with certain types of firearms.

(link via Owen)

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