The End is Near, Sinners Repent

Well, don't hit the streets with your walking billboard just yet. Scientists are starting to fret over the impending pole reversal of the Earth. If you've ever taken Geology (or perhaps even Astronomy), you probably know that it is scientific knowledge that the Earth's magnetic poles flip every 250,000 years or so. That is, North becomes South, and vice versa. Since it has been about 1 million years since the last flip, we are long overdue.

Scientists theorize that the Earth's magnetic field will disappear during the flip and the Earth will be bombarded with solar radiation. Since estimates for how long the flip will take are anywhere from two weeks to 1000 years, what will happen to man-kind and the inhabitants of Earth is subject to a lot of conjecture.

I've never really understood why people waste so much time and energy worrying about something we have no control over. This is akin to worrying about when the Sun will go nova, and destroy the Earth. I have the same philosophy about death. I came to the realization long ago, that I am going to die. I have almost no control over it, except for trying to postpone it as long as possible, and to try to control the when, where, and how.

This helps explain why I live by The General's motto.

Live the good life. Drink, smoke, gamble, feast, joke, fornicate and be tolerant of those who do. Take risks and thrive for the good challenge. Work hard and play hard without going over the edge. Live in the moment. Believe in moderation in all things, including moderation. Live it up!
Life is finite. You might as well enjoy it while you can. Drive an SUV, smoke if you want to, drink, fornicate. Do what you want, as long as you don't deprive anyone else in their pursuit of the same. This is why, I am libertarian!

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You get to live this life but once. If you don't make the most of it, it's your own damn fault.

If The End really is near, damn! I better get my ass away from this computer and go have some fun!

The End of the World has been predicted since time began. Someday - it will end. But, it ain't gonna matter to anyone cuz we'll all be dead and gone anyway.

Posted by: Da Goddess at November 11, 2002 4:14 PM

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