NY Times offers some praise

Take a guess at just who and what the NY Times is talking about:

[he] bravely waded yesterday into his roughest waters yet...

...performing a rare profile in courage...

[If they] can manage to be half as courageous as...

Give up yet? Is it George W. Bush for taking a hardline stance with Iraq? Is it Colin Powell for shoring up support in t he UN? Perhaps it is Rummy for easing the fears that we are on the cusp of World War III. Nope. They are talking about the Republican Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg and his decision to push for substantial tax increases.

What do you expect from people who just the other day considered the lack of a commuter tax to be 'unconscionable'.

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I cannot concieve how they could call this a "profile in courage," which evokes the title of JFK's autobiography, when JFK is largely known for the MASSIVE SIZE OF HIS TAX CUT! Geez, if the New York times is going to use sappy cliches at least they could make them less illogical.

Posted by: Owen Courrèges at November 15, 2002 1:26 PM

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