Great Moments in Socialized Medicine

The number of people on hospital waiting lists has increased by over 12,000 in Britain, reports the Telegraph. Remember that next time some social wanker starts pushing for nationalized health care in the U.S. That doctor you currently have to wait a few days to see would then be 6 to 18 months away.

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Any day now, we'll be hearing that the wait for an appointment with an obstetrician is 10-12 months.

Posted by: Steve at November 15, 2002 2:04 PM

At least people who can't afford insurance have the ability to see a doctor. And people who can afford private insurance usually get it and are able to see either NHS doctors/hospitals or private doctors/hospitals where you can generally be seen right away.

I'd be in favour of a similar system in the US... Make health care available to people who can't afford it and leave choice in place for people who can.

Posted by: lazywhinerkid at November 16, 2002 7:10 AM

I don't need insurance to see a doctor in this country. All I have to do is pay the bill. And it always amazes me that the same people who can't afford to buy health insurance always seem to have money for cigarettes, beer, and lottery tickets.

To duplicate Britain's system in the US would be utter madness: we'd all be taxed heavily for something that doesn't work. And those of us with the income left after we were taxed would have to pay extra in order to obtain what we had already paid for.

Posted by: Steve at November 17, 2002 7:31 PM

Misery loves company. The brits just want to be able to say, "well, it is just as bad in the U.S."

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 17, 2002 8:08 PM

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