US: Iraq already breached resolution

Haha. Did nobody see this coming. Iraq has routinely fired on our planes in the no-fly zone. Well, that is a violation of the latest U.N. Resolution. While it remains to be seen whether or not it will be seen as a 'material breach', I think we should take every single violation directly to the Security Council.

Our staff writers are in consensus that it will be found to not be a 'material breach'. In that case, members of the Security Council should be forced invited to ride along with our boys while their being shot at. Perhaps that would help change their perspective on whether or not Iraq is cooperating.

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I think we ought to bomb the shit out of France, just as a warm-up exercise. We can maybe score some "collateral damage" by taking out the UN Building at the same time.

Yeah, I know France and the UN Building are on different continents, but we can explain the mistake by saying that one of our "smart bombs" was really DUMB. It got lost and fucked up. Sorry.

If people in other countries get really outraged about it , we'll warn them that we have MORE dumb bombs where that errant one came from, and they really should shut up before an "accident" happens to THEM.

Posted by: Acidman at November 17, 2002 1:01 PM

Acidman, why don't we change the address of the UN to "1 World Trade Center", and make it a target in the future?

As for bombing France, we ought to think of something more original to do with it. Maybe insist on making France the Comic Sidekick for the War on Terror. The real good guys -- USA, Great Britain, Australia, etc., can ride the good horses and take out the bad guys. France can wear a plaid shirt, ride a mule behind the good guys, and sing songs around the campfire at night. Let's hope they give us some good facial expressions when the bullets start flying, otherwise they aren't fit for even comic relief.

Posted by: Steve at November 17, 2002 7:23 PM

Acidman, LOL!!

Steve, when the bullets start flying, do you honestly think you'll be able to see the French's face? Back of their heads is more like it, and careful you don't trip over the rifle they dropped.

Posted by: Ravenwood at November 17, 2002 8:11 PM

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