Don't professionalize unless you federalize

Tom Daschle, D-SD insisted on federalizing air screeners. Pundits said it was to pack the democratic rolls with new federal union employees that will mindlessly vote democratic. Daschle claimed that it gave the federal government the power to control who was hired and fired and control rigid professional standards.

The first federal professional standard to be dropped was a requirement for a high school diploma. The latest federal professional standard to be dropped is a requirement for U.S. citizenship.

There is no word yet on whether or not they will drop the requirement to vote democratic.

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The mind reels. I thought the point of federalizing the screeners was to IMPROVE the quality?

Shit on a stick! This is ridiculous!

Posted by: Da Goddess at November 17, 2002 12:29 AM

The campaign to make America secure win in 2004, even if we need aliens to fill the Democrat voter rolls has begun.

Don'cha just LOVE those fuckwits?

Posted by: Acidman at November 17, 2002 12:53 PM

I feel safer already.

Posted by: Anna at November 17, 2002 5:36 PM

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