Where there's smoke, there's fire

"The damaging oil spill off the coast of Spain is a sobering reminder that the world's heavy reliance on oil for energy carries environmental risks that need more urgent attention than they have been getting. This was an accident just waiting to happen..." -- NY Times, November 20, 2002.

"The damaging forest fires in California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, South Dakota, et. al, is a sobering reminder that the nation's adherence to enviro-wacko policies against logging and deforestation carry serious environmental risks that need more urgent attention than they have been getting. This was an accident just waiting to happen..." -- Ravenwood's Universe, November 20, 2002.

At least Tom Daschle is looking out for South Dakotans, making sure they can step up their efforts to thin forests before they go up in flames. Of course, the rest of us are just shit out of luck. (I wish we all had a Senator like Daschle)

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