Ravenwood - 11/29/02 08:33 PM
Kudos to Tennessee Governor Sundquist for standing up to pressure from vegans to proclaim a state wide "vegetarian month." The major concern with the proclamation is that the wording is too anti-meat. The proposal reads, "Our food supply should be safe and wholesome, rather than laced with pathogens, fat, cholesterol, hormones and carcinogens." Had the vegans worded the proclamation a bit less anti-meat and just pro-vegetable, the Governor would probably sign it.
Still, resolute in pushing their beliefs onto other people, the wacko-vegans are refusing to back down and claim that giving up meat is a positive thing and the proclamation should be endorsed.
The vegans probably won't have to wait long, because Sundquist gives up his post as Governor after this year. Tennessee elected a Democratic Governor which means that right after endorsing the passage of a state income tax, the new Governor will probably gladly sign the anti-meat endorsement.
I am yet to see a human being born without growing canine teeth in his/her mouth. I am yet to see an animal in the wild with canine teeth that does not eat meat.
Therefore, I conclude that MOTHER NATURE MADE US TO EAT MEAT! And anybody who suggests otherwise is an anti-nature assclown who should be dragged off and shot. At once.
That's MY humble opinion.
Posted by: Acidman at November 30, 2002 7:40 PMDon't beat around the bush, tell us how you really feel.
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