Ravenwood - 12/02/02 04:12 PM
Hawk has already published his "3rd Annual 20 Worst People, Places, And Things On The Internet For 2002". Again, we didn't make the list, being edged out by Celebrity Websites and Anti-Muslim Sentiment. (Those damned Muslims!)
My personal favorite was number two:
Interstitials: There's nothing love (sic) better than some slow-moving spaceship, car, or robot that struts across the screen, blocking the content I'm trying to read while I look for the awkwardly placed "close" button. It's almost as if some marketing executive out there tried to come up with the most grindingly annoying type of ad humanly imaginable. I'm not sure where the ad executives go from here. Maybe they could somehow find a way to actually poke you in the eye through the screen but that's about what it would take to beat interstitials in the irritating ad department.Be sure to check out the full list.
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