Ravenwood - 12/17/02 10:31 PM
Cheers to Bryant Gumbel for not taking any flack from Martha Burk on her Augusta position. In his Real Sports expose on HBO, Gumbel hit her with hard questions and didn't give her the free pass that every other network has given her.
He got her to admit that Augusta isn't even a top 10 women's issue, although they stubbornly said that it was discrimination, and discrimination is the number one issue.
Gumbel also trumpeted some of Hootie Johnson's achievements, which is something you never hear in mainstream media. He helped desegregate South Carolina University, and was responsible for the appointment of women to management positions at Banker's Trust.
Still, Burk presses forward with her corporate shakedown, which Gumbel rightly labeled as 'extortion'. In her own defense, Burk retorted that she doesn't want money, so it can't be extortion.
Gumbel was at his best when Burk tried playing the race card, by comparing discrimination against women to racial slurs and discrimination against blacks. Gumbel replied, "You don't worry about your safety on this, do you? Nobody gets shot over women's rights. Nobody gets beaten or lynched over women's rights!"
While I don't condone sexual discrimination, I can't help but think that the NCWO isn't exactly hurting from all the attention. I also think there are much more important issues that time and money could be spent on. But what do I know? I'm just a man.
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