NY Man arrested for protecting his family, again

No, I am not repeating a story I featured last month about Ronald Dixon. This time, New York is prosecuting Mark Freamon for protecting himself from a home intruder. The alleged intruder, Edwin Murdaugh broke through a window in Freamon's Long Island home, and was met by .22 caliber gunfire from Freamon's semi-automatic pistol.

Murdaugh was injured and fled, but was later captured and arrested on burglary charges. The NY Post reports that "Freamon, meanwhile, was charged with fourth-degree weapons possession for the pistol, which he said he bought out of state."

Freamon was given a ticket and released, but not before police seized all of his firearms, even those that were legally owned. Freamon commented, "This leaves me in a bad situation; now I'm unarmed."

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