Would-be car thieves don't know how to drive

Reuters reports of two would-be car/pizza thieves in Canada who were foiled by their own ineptitude.

At first they just wanted the pizzas and the cash, but greed got the best of them, and they went for the delivery man's car as well. Reuters reports that the 17 year old driver was a bit flummoxed by the manual transmission, and decided to abandon their attempt at car thievery and just focus on the pizzas.

Reuters adds that when officers soon arrived on the scene, they spotted one of the suspects entering the home where the pizzas were to be delivered. Both were arrested and charged, and the pizzas were seized as valuable evidence.

Category:  Dumb Criminals
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This sounds like a repeat. Can it be we've run out of original crimes? Say it ain't so, Ravenwood!

Posted by: Da Goddess at January 5, 2003 1:55 PM

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