Huffington: Detroit won't give up the preciousss

Arianna Huffington doesn't know whether or not to be ticked off at corporate America or apathetic American consumers. As she ramps up her anti-SUV campaign, Detroit automakers have announced plans for hybrid SUVs. Still, Arianna isn't very happy. The voices in her head tell her it's too little too late, and that Detroit is hoping for failure so that they can continue to sell their preciousss; their gas-guzzling, baby killing, weapons of mass distruction -- SUVs.

Because of the corporate takeover of our democracy, Washington has remained firmly stuck in the Dark Ages of energy policy. That's why President Bush can try to score points by proposing to raise the SUV mileage standard by a ludicrously low 1.5 mpg over the next four years.

But Detroit has sensed that public opinion is shifting. Now it's up to all of us to make sure the pressure and the demand for more socially responsible cars continue to grow. Otherwise, the auto industry will gladly allow the hybrid models to crash and burn -- yet more "proof" that Americans don't really care about anything other than their SUVs.

Actually Arianna, it would be 'proof'. Proof is in the pudding, or in this case the economics.

Detroit sees a rising demand for hybrid SUVs. So, they will rise to meet the demand, and produce a few hybrid models. Still, it is up to Americans. If a profitable demand isn't there, the models will go the way of the Edsel. If the demand is there, automakers will gladly cash in, just as they have with the SUVs and mini-vans. Why on Earth would anyone think they are rooting for failure?

The fact that we already have hybrid cars shows that there is some demand. However big, heavy, SUV hybrids may not have the range or speed of the smaller cars. Also, they probably won't be 4WD or capable of going off-road, and they are bound to be more expensive to produce. Automakers are betting that they can extend the hybrid technology to their other brands. The next logical step is for hybrids to extend to luxury cars, SUVs, and the various other models that automakers produce. They'd be foolish not to try it.

As for Huffington's moronic assertion that our country has been the victim of a corporate takeover, I choose not to comment. I also choose not to point out that we don't live under a democracy, never have, and hopefully never will. (oops, I just did)

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Ford's hybrid Escape seems to be on hold, but this is due mostly to a hemorrhage of red ink in Dearborn. Right now, the hybrid to own is a Honda Civic variant; except for the powertrain and a couple extra gauges (and a price tag 2k stiffer), it could be any Civic. And I think the new technologies will sell better if they don't look like new technologies (cf. GM's EV-1, on which, if you count R&D, the company lost $1 million per car.)

Posted by: CGHill at January 14, 2003 10:01 PM

It'll still be interesting to see how SUVs perform as a hybrid. I would certainly think they aren't going to use much electric power when in a low 4x4 gear.

Posted by: Ravenwood at January 14, 2003 10:25 PM

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