Police: Inmate french-kissed sister to slip drugs

This would have worked in West Virginia.

Category:  Dumb Criminals
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West Virginia has it's problems, and you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I think you are more than likely wrong. I have lived in West Virginia all my 32 years and I think I can safely claim that some of the stereotypes we endure are groundless. We are neither inbred, nor stupid, and we all mostly wear shoes. I am not attacking you personally, I just think you happen to be wrong. Why don't you make a trip here and see what we are like? Most of us are very friendly and hospitable. We love tourists and tend to cater to them in fact, as we want to rely on tourism for income instead of coal and mountaintop removal. We have wonderful skiing facilities, white-water rafting, gorgeous trails and exciting caves. And if you happen to break down on the side of the road while passing through, don't worry. It won't be thirty minutes before a friendly redneck stops to see if you need help, and he won't even take your offer of money for his aid. Come on over and see us, you might be surprised.
Best Wishes

Posted by: Cindy at January 25, 2004 4:11 AM

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