Sniper Victims' Families to Sue Over Assault Rifle

As if losing a loved one wasn't bad enough, now families of the DC sniper have become pawns for the gun lobby.

The fact that the plaintiffs are represented by the Brady Campaign illustrates that the purpose of the lawsuit is simply to try to punish the firearm's industry. The case need not even be proveable or based on factual evidence, as long as it drives up costs for the gun industry. This is a good argument for a loser pays legal system.

"I hope ultimately there will be control over who obtains firearms," said Vickie Snyder of Rockville, the sister of one of the victims.

Dennis Henigan, legal director of the Brady Center, says "This assault rifle, which served the snipers' deadly purposes so well, did not fall from the sky into their hands."

At least Snyder admits her gun control motives. Henigan, meanwhile, clearly blames the gun, and the people who manufactured it. I presume he'd also sue GM and the dealership for the Buick that accidentally ran over his grandmother. After all, that Buick didn't just fall out of the sky.

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