Ravenwood - 01/21/03 06:50 PM
CNS News reports that Russia has decided to adopt the Kyoto treaty. That's good for the environment, right? Wrong.
While environmentalists will undoubtedly tout the Russian acceptance as a validation of their agenda, it actually doesn't help overall pollution. You see, Kyoto requires that nations reduce their carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels. Because Russia's industrial output peaked around 1990, and has plummeted in recent years, they are already back to their 1980 pollution levels. This actually gives them pollution 'credits', which they can sell on the open market to other nations. Therefore by Russia adopting Kyoto, other nations will be able to purchase their pollution credits and actually pollute more than is normally permitted under Kyoto. For Russia, it was really a 'no-brainer' decision. For the environment however, it means more pollution.
(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014