Gasp! Media Bias at the LA Times?

So, the libs are coming up with another study to grab headlines, and the LA Times is very happy to lap it all up.

The LA Times headline reads "More Guns in Citizens' Hands Can Worsen Crime, Study Says". Reading the article, I expected to find the 'proof' behind the LA Times inflammatory headline. Instead of proof, all I found was opinionated conjecture about a 'study' that was recently released by the Brookings Institute, a leftist organization that liberals desperately try to sell as 'centrist'.

The 'study' mainly deals with the relationship between concealed carry permits and crime rates, and was conducted by Stanford University law professor John Donohue.

"If somebody had to say which way is the evidence stronger, I'd say that it's probably stronger that the laws are increasing crime, rather than decreasing crime," Donohue said Wednesday in an interview. "But the stronger thing I could say is that I don't see any strong evidence that they are reducing crime."

For his part, Donohue said that right-to-carry laws may deter violent crimes, such as murder or robbery, in some situations, while encouraging them in others.

For example, he said, an attacker may wrest control of a handgun away from a victim, who may be less experienced in handling firearms, and use it against the victim.

Also, otherwise law-abiding citizens may become "emboldened to do bad things, some of them violent" in the heat of the moment, Donohue said.

There was no evidence offered to further Donohue's wildly opinionated claims. Instead, the LA Times unsuccessfully tried debunking John Lott's famous "More Guns, Less Crimes" study.

I find it interesting that the LA Times would take Donohue's word as gospel. Where is the reporting? The leftist media bias is overwhelming. What evidence does Donohue have to support his claim that concealed carry owners can be turned into violent murderers by merely carrying around a firearm? I carried all the time when I was in Georgia, and I never had an urge to knock somebody over the head and demand money from them.

It sounds to me like Donohue is a leftist idiot following the typical leftist play book. They make wild claims and show no evidence to support them. If they repeat the claims enough, they become 'fact' in the mind of the public. The Soviets did it all the time.

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The LA Times tends to pander to the radical left in truely blatant ways. Goodness, they have Robert Sheer on the payroll for God's sake...

Posted by: Owen Courrèges at January 23, 2003 5:23 PM

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