ND defeats cigarette 'prohibition'

How long before a state gets a bill like this passed?

BISMARCK - North Dakota House representatives Monday voted overwhelmingly against a bill proposing to ban tobacco sales in the state.
The measure, which would make selling or using tobacco products except for using it for religious purposes misdemeanors, failed by an 88-4 vote.
Is this the first attempt to make tobacco products illegal? Probably. Would this open the door to bootlegging and organized crime? Definitely.

While I'm happy that the ND legislature didn't vote to ban tobacco, part of me wishes they had. It's the same part of me that wanted Oregon to pass their Fascist health care program, just to see it fail miserably.

(link via Kim)

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california could probably do it now.

Posted by: tanya at January 23, 2003 6:30 PM

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