CNN vs. Fox News

The AP reports that CNN won the ratings war on the recent shuttle coverage.

While it probably has more to do with availability in the number of households, it could be that more people are tuning in to see stuff like this.

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I can't watch CNN anymore. I never realized how biased their reporting is. Fox news is definitely the better of the two!

Posted by: jason shives at March 16, 2003 6:40 PM

Are you kidding? Fox News is the the most right-wing biased program on television. They are an entertainment network, not news! CNN give the news straight!

Posted by: Steve at March 19, 2003 10:27 AM

GAG!!! Fox News Rocks. They present both sides of issues while cnn is very liberal and biased.

Posted by: Mike at March 26, 2003 7:01 AM

Fox News relies on ignorant commentary to make up for its utter lack of resources. CNN has reporters on standby around the globe. If you want accurate and breaking news, watch CNN, if you want to watch ignorant reporters blab and report news they themselves just saw on CNN, watch FOX.

Posted by: Adam at March 27, 2003 12:02 AM

I agree that Fox likely has fewer overall resources than CNN who has been building its network for decades. Given that this is true, CNN should be kicking Fox's butt in the ratings but they aren't. The elephant in the room that no one at CNN wants to deal with is that despite their huge resources (they are owned by AOLTimeWarner after all) their radical far left bias is disenfranchising viewers to such a large extent that they are quickly becoming another irrelevant MSNBC.

People are simply tired of hearing one side of the political spectrum in television news. Of course, this does not mean that FOX is actually conservative but rather, APPEARS conservative compared to the rest of television media. (An actual conservative version of CNN would not have any liberal viewpoints and would be constantly promoting conservative ones which is something that is not seen on FOX).

The reality is that the only true conservative commentators on FOX are Fred Barnes and Sean Hannity. Most of their people are what I would consider fair minded moderates like Brit Hume and Neil Cavuto. Meanwhile Fox's main man, Bill O'Reilly, is pro-choice, pro-gun control, and thinks that there is global warming; hardly conservative positions. On the other end of the political spectrum FOX has Ron Combes, Greta Van Susteren, Geraldo Rivera, and Mort Kondracke. Of these Combs is probably the most knee jerk lefty (which is kind of fun to watch) but considering that FOX is supposed to be the big CONSERVATIVE bastion, I'm surprised they have more big name liberals than conservatives in their line-up.

It would be interesting if there WERE an avowed pro-life, anti-federalized education/healthcare/welfare, pro-2nd amendment, anti-EPA/ADA television network. An alternative to CNN like that would probably win the ratings wars every night.

Posted by: Dan at April 7, 2003 1:51 PM

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