Like a Material Girl

As if it wasn't bad enough that celebrities are lining up to denounce the U.S. and speak out in favor of tyrannical despot, Saddam Hussein, now Madonna the singer and B-Movie actress hopes to profit from it.

Reuters gleefully reports that Madonna will release and anti-war video, due to be released in March, a month before her latest album. (How convenient is that?)

Not only will her pro-rape and pro-genocide message get plenty of air time over the next few months, but she'll be able to rake in some cash hawking overpriced CDs.

Madonna's spokesman, Liz Rosenberg, claims that "this is not a Madonna statement against George Bush. It's certainly an anti-war statement and a statement about the horrors of war." The video "expresses a panoramic view of our culture and the looming war through the view of a female superhero portrayed by Madonna." Madonna's new album is called 'American Life', something that she apparently knows nothing about.

If the war doesn't start right away, perhaps our troops can blast Saddam with Madonna's new tunes to get him to evacuate his palace. Either way, I'm sure we'll be hearing more about the horrors of Madonna's video in the future.

Category:  Celebrities Unscripted
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Madonna wants us to take her seriously as an artist now - NOT!

Posted by: Brent at February 11, 2003 12:08 PM


Did she move up a notch?

Posted by: CGHill at February 14, 2003 10:18 PM

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