Gere: Saddam is a Saint

Actor Richard Gere, best known as a John picking up prostitutes in 'Pretty Woman', slams Bush and insults Americans. World Net Daily reports him as saying:

"We have to say 'stop.' There's no reason for a war. At the moment Hussein is not threatening anybody.

"It'd be different if he was staring somebody down with a loaded gun in his hand. But there doesn't seem to be any indications whatsoever that this man poses an immediate threat to anybody.

"America has never paid any attention to other people, so it's absurd for Bush to say that it's all in the best interests of the Iraqi people."

The actor went on to say that Americans back the U.N., and moving without them would be down without the will of Americans.

I, for one, and offended that Gere has chosen to speak for me. I could give a shit what the U.N. does or doesn't do. They have been nothing but Anti-American since they were founded, and it is my personal belief that they should be kicked out of the U.S.

I don't have much to say about Gere's assertion that Hussein is a good guy just minding his own business. I guess we can overlook gassing the Kurds, murder, rape, and torture. I mean, how can you have tyranny without a few crimes against humanity. Besides, it's not like those people are members of the Richard Gere fan club, or have ever been to one of his movies.

So, why should he care about them?

Category:  Celebrities Unscripted
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Amen dude! I am so sick of these fucking entertainment people talking "on bealf of Americans." Most polls today show a leading support for action against Iraq even without UN support. Fuck Gere and fuck liberal pacifists!

Posted by: thebear at February 11, 2003 6:40 PM

Gere is an idiot. And, he makes my skin crawl

Posted by: Da Goddess at February 12, 2003 4:41 AM

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