ABC Skips Unemployment Drop, CBS: "Not as Good as it Looks"

Check out this blurb from the Media Research Center:

Underwhelming consistency on unemployment, example three. When the unemployment rate jumped 0.3 percent to 6 percent for November, ABC's World News Tonight pounced on the development, but when it fell back to 5.7 percent for January, Friday's show ignored the good news. Plus, CBS, NBC and CNBC dismissed the relevance of the plunge. CBS's Anthony Mason warned: "It's not as good as it looks."
The MRC lists quote after quote of big media downplay on the economy.

It's bad enough they are editorializing rather then reporting, but the fact that they tend to trumpet bad news and ignore the good news is pretty clear. Is this part of the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy, or are they just derelict in their duty to report the facts?

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