'Gun' removed from spelling tests

Canada has not only banned most guns in their country, but now they are banning the word as well. After the parents of a seven year old girl complained, the word 'gun' has been removed from spelling tests.

"The word gun is synonymous with death. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out why a seven-year-old would need to learn this word," said Amanda Sousa, a self professed Canadian pacifist.

Grenville County Trustee Joan Hodge said, "It's still a word and it can be used in different ways like a squirt gun or gunning your engine. Our children don't live in bubbles. Not talking about it isn't going to make it go away."

Hodge is correct. What's worse, is that by not knowing what a gun (or even death) is, Sousa is actually putting her child at a greater risk. If the kid finds a gun laying around, and has no idea which end is the business end, she's more likely to injure herself or someone else.

Still, I must agree that there are plenty of words a seven year old doesn't need to know. Learning to spell 'car' and other such words can wait, and some words don't need to be taught at all. I can think of several words that can be added and removed from spelling tests.

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