SUV owners get chance to be good guys

The Washington Times reports that with 2 feet of snow on the ground, it wasn't econobox owners who were giving rides to essential hospital personnel. There were no Honda Insights delivering meals to sick AIDS patients.

It was all those gas guzzling, baby killing, terrorism sponsoring SUV owners.

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And how many un-published times do SUV owners help out those that can't get around after snow storms? I have personally gone into town to get bread, milk, diapers and other neccessities for people that couldn't get on the road after a storm. I also know of other people that do the same thing, or go out during snow storms and pull people out of ditches - for free.

But rarely do people think of the good that SUV owners do in such times.

Posted by: bogie at February 19, 2003 7:19 AM

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