Chirac to blackball aspiring E.U. nations

I knew the French were weasels, but I didn't think they were this bad. The AP reports that Chirac is letting aspiring EU nations know how disapproving he is of their support for America. He claims that it is hurting their chances of joining the Union altogether.

"It is not really responsible behavior," said Chirac during a news conference. "It is not well brought up behavior. They missed a good opportunity to keep quiet."
There's a nice bit of socialism. France is saying, you either think like we think or keep your trap shut.
"Romania and Bulgaria were particularly irresponsible to (sign the letter) when their position is really delicate," Chirac said. "If they wanted to diminish their chances of joining Europe they could not have found a better way.

"When you're in the family you have more rights than when you're knocking on the door."

Such a nice family to be joining too. It's interesting that France is worried about all these nations creating tension and splitting the 15 nation E.U. It seems to me that the only nations on one side of the split are France, Germany, and perhaps Belgium. (And we're the ones acting unilaterally?)

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Well, lah di frickin' dah; guess who wants to be in charge of Europe - wait a minute, they tried that already.

"Weasel" doesn't even begin to describe this little speech. Tension? Splitting? Quick guys, run for the exits before you sign anything giving your sovereignty away to Monsieur Chirac!!!

Posted by: John at February 18, 2003 9:25 AM

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