Ravenwood - 02/19/03 05:37 PM
Nothing like overreacting:
Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies evacuated about 15 neighboring homes Monday because two bank agents foreclosing on the house reported seeing numerous firearms and explosives inside, along with some canned goods.If anyone needs to go to jail, it should be the bank agents. Is this what Operation TIPS would have brought us?It was later determined that the resident, Robert Walters, 46, is an avid gun collector. The weapons, which included an inactive hand grenade and an inactive mortar, were all legal, sheriff's spokeswoman Debbie Carter said. No charges were filed.
Still, it is moments of stupidity like this that are the reason I only keep up to 50 cans of tuna in my house. The rest are kept in my unabomber-style shack out in the woods.
(link shamelessly harvested from Greeblie)
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