No Federal Tobacco Tax Hike

It was nice to see the federal government flatly reject a higher cigarette tax. Health and Human Services Secretary, Tommy Thompson said, "We are not contemplating it. This administration does not raise taxes." I guess those steel tarrifs don't count.

Still, that didn't stop Reuters from weighing on the pro-tax platform. Most of the article was dedicated to why we should raise tobacco taxes, including a poll that shows most people are in favor of a tax hike. It's nice to see a leader that doesn't lead by what the polls say. Majority rule does not make it right, and frankly I'm a little tired of seeing polls.

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"We are not contemplating it. This administration does not raise taxes."

that's a cool statement, I just hope they stick to their guns about it. If they would legalize mary-jane, that would bring in so much money, and decreas so much crime. But thats another conversation.

Posted by: John Mays at February 27, 2003 4:44 PM

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