Ravenwood - 03/01/03 02:48 PM
Site traffic held steady in February.
Here are some raw numbers according to Webalizer*: 7211 visitors (7269 in January), 19777 page views (18653 in January), 112356 hits (96480 in January), and 2.05 GB (2.12 in January).
The Ravnwood.com page counter also went over 40,000 in January, with very little fanfare.
There were 153 posts in February, compared to 171 in January, 131 in December, 186 in November, 157 in October, and 155 in September.
*Stats were pulled from Webalizer this month, because my AW-Stats had serious bugs after my webhost 'upgraded' their software.
UPDATE: Of course, my traffic pales in comparison to some folks.
(c) Ravenwood and Associates, 1990 - 2014