Ravenwood - 03/03/03 11:42 AM
Ha ha. So much for standing up for what you believe in.
LONDON (AP) - Some of the peace activists who went to Iraq to serve as human shields in the event of war returned home, fearing for their safety, a spokesman said Sunday.I guess when they realized that they were actually being used to shield Saddam's troops and munitions, they sort of got cold feet."The aim was always a mass migration and if we had had five to ten thousand people here there would never be a war," [said spokesman Christiaan Briggs.] "We do not have those numbers."
I don't blame them, because there is no such thing as a voluntary human shield. People that deliberately place themselves in the line of fire to protect Saddam Hussein might as well become an enemy combatant. They certainly deserve what they get.
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