In the Army Now

FOX News tries to tell a heart-warming story of two brothers with differing points of view on the war. They mistakenly try to compare it to our own Civil War, where brothers sometimes ended up on both sides of the conflict. In this story, both men are in the Army, but while one is being shipped out, the other (whose name I refuse to use), applied for conscientious objector status, and refused to go to war.

"I'm opposed to taking the life of another human being," he said. "I understand there are situations where we react to human instincts and in self-defense, but to aggressively and collectively destroy another human life, my conscience won't allow me to do it."

"Not once did any of the recruiters I spoke with mention war, enemy, shooting or death."

WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING IN THE ARMY? Call me crazy, but if someone has such a strong conviction against using lethal force, that they won't even yell 'kill' during basic training, then they should be kicked out of the armed forces.

Did he not understand why they were teaching him to use that gun in basic training? To me, this is like a fireman refusing to fight a fire, or a policeman refusing to chase a criminal. You don't see dentists who refuse to look into people's mouths, or doctors who are queasy at the sight of blood.

I am reminded of Gulf War I, when reservists were being called up. Many of them were shocked and fearful after being activated. Some refused to go. Some actually had the temerity to say, "I only did it for the free college money, I never thought I'd have to go to war!"

In my humble opinion, these people should be dishonorably discharged, imprisoned, and in serious times, face a firing squad for desertion.

The Army has already given him the light duty of photo journalism, and he may have the option for a voluntary discharge. His case is still pending.

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Doesn't the name "Army" give this guy a clue; "Arm" to supply, give or bear weapons. Did he think they used water pistols?

Posted by: bogie at March 5, 2003 3:21 PM

He shouldn't have the option for a "voluntary discharge" until after such time as he serves a few years in Levenworth Prison.

I wonder if he's heard the term "dereliction of duty" lately.....

Posted by: Jim S at March 5, 2003 5:05 PM

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