Indispensable Web Sites

Ok, so I'm dispensable. Well, I've been called a lot worse. So, I guess I could take this website down today, and few would notice, and fewer would care.

The truth is, I don't do this for the readers. I do it in the pursuit of self actualization. So thhbbtt.

Comments (3)      top   link me


I'd care -- I like this page and I do hit it every week -- just not as often as those others. Keep in mind there are some really big pages that aren't on there. Look at that list and the list of the top 100 most popular websites on the net and you'll see that a lot of those pages aren't on there.

Posted by: John Hawkins at March 5, 2003 1:12 PM

I'd notice, and care. Now my site is one that no one would notice going away!

Posted by: bogie at March 5, 2003 3:19 PM

Excuse me? BITE ME, Steve! I'd fucking notice!

Now, go away and quit bothering me.

Posted by: Da Goddess at March 5, 2003 5:14 PM

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