NMSU thinks their song causes DUIs

Some alumni at New Mexico State University are trying to change their boozy fight song. The song includes the line: "And when we win this game we'll buy a keg of booze and drink it to the Aggies 'til we wobble in our shoes."

Trying to justify the move, Debbie Widger, alumni relations director at NMSU says, "the last few years, we've had some alumni say that New Mexico is one of the worst states in the nation for driving while intoxicated."

Now, I don't really care what they do to their fight song, but lets be realistic here. Driving under the influence is a red herring when it comes to the fight song. Are they so naive, that they think their fight song actually causes drinking and driving? Do they think that changing the words will cut down on drinking and driving; or drinking at all?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but fight songs are usually sung at sporting events. Most sporting events I've been to, the drinking starts well before the game, and certainly before any fight songs are sung. At my college, our fight song didn't contain any lines about drinking, yet the booze still flowed freely before and after the games. For weekend football games, it usually started flowing on Friday night and didn't stop until early Sunday morning; fight songs or no fight songs.

If you want to change your song in the name of political correctness, that's your business. But lets call a spade a spade and not kid ourselves about the reason why.

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