Something I wish I had said

In Colorado, lawmakers are working to pass some sensible gun laws to rein in the local restrictions put on law abiding citizens. Kim du Toit delightfully points out the media's narrow view on a person's unalienable right to keep and bear arms.

And one last note for the Rocky Mountain News: these laws don't expand gun rights, they've restored them, you journalistic morons, you Constitutional ignoramuses, you horrible hacks. If Sheriff Asshole had decided that Black people couldn't vote in his county, would you have called a similarly-corrective law an "expansion" of voting rights?
I cannot help but feel that if more people realized that basic human freedoms of life, liberty and property were unalienable, and not granted by the imperial federal government, the world would be a much better place.

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Conservativism and libertarianism aren't PC, neither gets much respect in the media. It's hard even for most rightists to get out of the mindset that liberal ideas are the most socially acceptable.

Posted by: Owen Courrèges at March 20, 2003 1:46 AM

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